Bark Scorpion stings can range from a mild tingle and temporary numbness to extreme pain and anaphylaxis which is very serious condition and can be life threatening. While most healthy young adults don’t have serious reactions to scorpion stings, the elderly and especially young children have a higher potential of having more severe reactions. Even the most minor stings can be scary, traumatizing and/or painful for a young child and their family to go through.
We speak to many parents and grandparents every year, calling for information how to prevent scorpions from getting in the home and strategies to protect young children in the house. Unfortunately, we also speak to many families that are looking for the same information, because a child has already been stung and had a severe reaction. Many babies and young children our stung each year in their crib, beds and other places in the home.
If living in a home that is known or suspected to have a scorpion threat, the first thing to do is have a plan. It’s best to…
The second thing to do is prevention. There are many good strategies to prevent scorpions from entering your home…
If your child has been stung by a scorpion and you don’t have a plan, it may be a good idea to immediately contact poison control…
If you are able, try to capture the scorpion if it is in your home. While this should not necessarily be your first priority, it is important that you do not have a scorpion loose in the home for another possible stinging incident. If you can’t find or capture the scorpion, it’s not recommended to call a pest control technician to spray in the home. Scorpions are not insects and insecticides sprayed in the house are not overly effective.
Scorpions are not so much a problem of a home, but a problem of the neighborhood. It’s important to build your property’s “immune” system from the neighborhood scorpion pressure as well as seal and weatherize the home to help prevent them from getting in. If sealing, starting first where you least want to find a scorpion (i.e. the ceiling fan or duct over the bed; the fresh air fan over the toilet; the above door casing walking into a bedroom or bathroom). Work your way from the ceiling to the floor; from the bedrooms to the common living spaces.
Seal Out Scorpions offers the most advanced Scorpion Management programs, advice and education in the Southwest. We have a very educated, skilled and empathetic staff with a passion for helping others not live in fear and minimizing the threat of these creatures.
Fill out an application today to find out which scorpions are infesting your property.